Most of the questions on the NM-YRRS are the ones that are included in all the Youth Risk and Behavior Surveys that the CDC sponsors in most of the country.  New Mexico has added a small number of questions, including questions on resiliency, and that is why the NM survey is called the Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey.

In the year following data collection, the NM-YRRS Leadership Team conducts workshops to share the findings from the survey.  Known as “Roadshows,” because the workshops used to be conducted at various locations around the state, these workshops are now conducted using a combination of in-person events and webinars.  The surveys are conducted in the fall of odd years, and the workshops are typically conducted in the spring and summer of even years.  The Roadshow schedule will be posted at this link when available:  https://youthrisk.org/workshops/ Information about how to sign up is also at this link.

Teachers will send a form home with students about a week before the survey administration date.  If you do not want your child to take the survey, please complete the form and return it to your child’s teacher.  If you do not receive a copy of the form, please contact your child’s teacher for a form.  If you would like your child to take the survey, you do not need to return the form.

The IBIS website allows users to create custom tables and other information from public health data.  You can reach the YRRS page of IBIS at https://ibis.health.state.nm.us/query/selection/yrrs/_YRRSSelection.html .  Click on the blue tabs in the upper left corner of this page for instructions on how to use IBIS.  For additional resources on how to use IBIS, see “The ABCs of using IBIS” at https://ibis.health.state.nm.us/resource/NM-IBIS_ABCs.html .

The fall of every odd year.

Schools may opt to take the NM-YRRS online or using paper and pencil administration.  More information about the online version is available here:  LINK TO E-YRRS INFO PAGE.

Sixth grade through twelfth grade students are included.

The survey is offered in Spanish and English.

No.  The NM-YRRS is an anonymous survey, meaning that it is not possible to identify which student completed a specific survey.  The NM-YRRS adheres to the highest standards of the ethical protection of human subjects’ rights, and the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center’s Institutional Review Board regularly reviews NM-YRRS procedures to ensure participants’ privacy and confidentiality.

No.  Participation is voluntary and students or their parents may choose not to participate.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) selects schools to participate in the survey such that the group of participating schools is similar to all of the schools in the state.  The group of schools that the CDC selects for the NM-YRRS is called the “CDC sample.”  Albuquerque Public Schools, the NM Department of Health, and the NM Public Education select additional schools for participation based on the schools’ participation in special projects or the need to include larger numbers of students for sub-group analysis, such as rural schools.  For more information about the sample design, contact yrrs@youthrisk.org.

Most of the questions on the NM-YRRS are the ones that are included in all the Youth Risk and Behavior Surveys that the CDC sponsors in most of the country.  New Mexico has added a small number of questions, including questions on resiliency, and that is why the NM survey is called the Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey.

The NM-YRRS funding is from the New Mexico Department of Health (NM DOH), the New Mexico Public Education Department, and Albuquerque Public Schools.  The NM DOH receives support for the NM-YRRS from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

You can send email to yrrs@youthrisk.org or call Dr. Rebecca Kilburn at the UNM Prevention Research Center at 505-272-4462